News from the baiosphere

Inspiring insights into the latest developments from science and industry were offered by the Festival of the Future 2023 at the Deutsches Museum: smart cities, XR art, virtual reality, robots and visionary lectures.
Prof. Jürgen Schmidhuber shares his visions and thoughts on the future of AI. An inspiring lecture on the opportunities and challenges of this highly topical subject at Ludwig-Maximilians-University.
munich_i 2023: Experts, decision-makers and developers in artificial intelligence came together and presented their innovations. baiosphere highlight was the panel on the future of AI in healthcare.
Strong network: baiosphere is one of the new members of the Urban Air Mobility Initiative Ingolstadt since June 27. Mobility in the 3rd dimension is the efficient solution for the future of aviation.
Will artificial intelligence become more understandable in the future? Where are humans taking AI? - baiosphere CEO Michael Klimke got to the bottom of these questions with a panel at Munich Tech Days.
The EU Parliament has deliberated on the AI Act. New regulations ensure responsible use of AI technologies in the EU. This is to ensure that ethical standards and fundamental rights are upheld.
Bavarian AI agency drives digital transformation in eastern Bavaria. The DInO project promotes SMEs and public institutions in artificial intelligence and digitalization - innovative and pioneering for the region.
Exceptional and successful women in data science? There is not? Yes, there is! Here you will get to know some of them. Inspiration, discussion and networking - for all genders!
Exchange, networking, synergies: 70 AI experts from science, business and media met in Munich on May 12 at the invitation of the Bavarian AI Agency, DLD/Burda and Microsoft Germany.
In his book "Die neue Verordnung der EU zur Künstlichen Intelligenz" (The New EU Regulation on Artificial Intelligence), published at the end of April, the legal expert offers companies recommendations for action regarding the European AI Act.