In the recent past, the Bavarian non-university scientific institutes concerned with research in artificial intelligence (AI) have received notable financial support for the extension of respective units as well as the foundation for new, specialized institutes. This support has furthered cutting-edge AI research made in Bavaria, making these institutions an important partner for innovative AI companies for a rapid transfer of scientific knowledge into industrial applications.
The Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) conducts and promotes interdisciplinary research on the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. In this way, it provides the foundations for shaping the digital future responsibly and with a focus on the common good in dialog with society.
State-of-the-art AI applications are being researched at DLR centers in Bavaria. The focus is on robotics, software systems, and communication and navigation technologies.
The interface between software, system and service engineering is the core competence of the Bavarian State Research Institute for Software-Intensive Systems. fortiss deals with methods of AI such as machine induction and deduction. At the Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, founded jointly with IBM, fortiss develops secure AI technologies for business and society.
Numerous institutes and centers of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Bavaria are working on AI-relevant topics such as autonomous driving, reliability, IT security, communication and blockchain technologies.
AI is of increasing importance in all research fields of the Helmholtz Association. In Bavaria, the focus is on data science and health research.
KI.Fabrik Bayern is a research project funded by the Free State of Bavaria for the future local, crisis-proof and profitable production of state-of-the-art IT and mechatronic high-tech components. The thematic focus is on robotics, Industry 4.0 and the use of AI methods.
Bavarian AI Agency
c/o Forum der Zukunft
Museumsinsel 1
80538 Munich
Tel. 089/2190994-0
Fax 089/2190994-99
© 2023 Bayerische KI-Agentur
baiosphere – the bavarian ai network is a registered trademark of the Free State of Bavaria. The Bavarian AI Network was created on the initiative of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, the Bavarian State Ministry of Digital Affairs and the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.