homenews ” artificial intelligence: opportunities and challenges in focus at munich tech days

Artificial intelligence: opportunities and challenges in focus at Munich Tech Days

“Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe? Unveiling the truth behind the hype” – this is what AI Council member Andrea Martin (IBM), Thomas Pickel (SAP Germany) and Prof. Dr. Volker Tresp from LMU Munich discussed this week at Munich Tech Days 2023.

The panelists agreed that positive storytelling helps to reduce fears and misunderstandings about artificial intelligence (AI). The experts quickly came up with examples of the beneficial use of AI: evaluation and assessment of climate data, simplification of administrative processes in the legal environment, or, most recently, forest fire forecasts.

Panel-Diskussion zu KI auf den MunichTechDays

AI future in Bavaria

The panelists also agreed that Bavaria has strong AI players in business, transfer and research. The Free State has an excellent AI ecosystem that is unique in Germany, if not in Europe. This attracts the best international minds to Bavaria, but it must also be nurtured, says Prof. Dr. Volker Tresp, to make the region strong for the future.

Here, a safe application of AI also creates the necessary confidence to use the technology in diverse areas of life and work. Bavaria is building such an environment where people use this transformative technology. This promotes innovation, efficiency and sustainable growth.

Prominent guests

We are pleased that, in addition to Andrea Martin, other AI Council members such as Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert, Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid and Dr. Wieland Holfelder were prominently represented at the Munich Tech Days with keynotes and in panel talks. They were in innovative company: company representatives, founders, creatives and digital natives exchanged views at the two-day conference on ongoing transformation processes, challenges, opportunities, but also organization and acceleration of innovation.

The Munich Tech Days offered two days full of inspiration and opportunities to expand one’s technology network. We are already looking forward to the next Tech Days 2024!