Bavarian AI Agency

The Bavarian AI Agency connects Bavarian AI experts from science and industry to make their outstanding expertise visible on a national and international level. The agency aims to attract talent from around the world to the baiosphere network.

Science Relations

Dr. Anne Friederike Becker

Head of Science Relations

Alicia Sommerfeld, Manager Science Relations

Dr. Alicia Sommerfeld

Manager Science Relations

Business Relations

Andreas Preißer, Head of Business Relations

Andreas Preißer

Head of Business Relations

Sabine Cornils

Manager Business Relations

Valerie Horn, Project Manager DInO

Valerie Horn

Project Manager DInO

Selda Öz, Event Manager DInO

Selda Öz

Event Manager DInO

Franzsika Springer, Community Manager

Franziska Springer

Community Manager

Nikolai Zotow, Science Editor

Nikolai Zotow

Consultant Digital Transformation


Jo-Anna Küster, Head of Communications

Jo-Anna Küster

Head of Communications

Leon Bräuer, Manager Digital Communications

Leon Bräuer

Manager Digital Communications

Katrin Kronschnabl, Manager Communications

Katrin Kronschnabl

Manager Communications