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The Bavarian AI ecosystem offers a wide range of qualifications, covering all educational levels – from professional training to a doctorate at a university.

The Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI combines the research and teaching of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). The interdisciplinary master’s and doctoral program with a special focus on reliability and security of AI systems trains future AI experts from all over the world for Germany as a future location.

The MCML is a competence center for artificial intelligence and machine learning funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. More than 40 research groups from TU Munich and LMU Munich work across universities and disciplines on application-oriented machine learning and in basic research. The continuously expanded training concept is aimed at master’s students, doctoral students and other interested parties from academia and industry.

In the Munich School for Data Science (MUDS), the Technical University of Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München as well as Helmholtz Munich, the German Aerospace Center and the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics cooperate to promote application-oriented PhD projects in biomedicine together with industrial partners.

The network shapes innovations in Munich and thus promotes the business location. With the AI+MUNICH program, it also supports young talent as well as startups in the field of artificial intelligence and strengthens the Bavarian AI ecosystem.

TUM.ai aims to have a positive impact on society through interdisciplinary projects by connecting students and relevant stakeholders to facilitate the application of artificial intelligence in various fields.

The Alliance for Digital Competence is a collaboration between the Bavarian Ministry of Digital Affairs and digital-focused companies located in Bavaria. Together, they provide educational programs for digital literacy to the wider population and continuously expand their offerings. This enables all citizens of Bavaria to access high-quality offerings to strengthen their digital competencies, which are professionally reviewed by the JFF Institute for Media Education.

The AI Ethics: Global Perspectives course brings together leading experts in the field of AI from around the world to consider the ethical ramifications of AI and rectify initiatives that might be harmful to particular people and groups in society. The course is designed to raise awareness and help institutions work toward more responsible use of AI. Intended for policymakers, students—and anyone interested.

