DInO - Digital Innovation East Bavaria

The EU project Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) is one of almost 200 European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH). EDIHs support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and public sector organizations in successfully overcoming digital challenges.

The aim of DInO is to increase the digital maturity of SMEs and the public sector in Eastern Bavaria. Together with four other partner organizations, under the leadership of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, the Bavarian AI Agency is making the opportunities of a successful digital future understandable and usable.

To this end, the DInO partners inform, advise, train and network interested parties in order to fully exploit digital potential.

Veranstaltungsreihe: Digitale Kaffeepause

Diese Webinarreihe vermittelt kurz und kompakt Einblicke in digitale Themen.

Services of the AI agency within DInO

Initial consultation

Support in the search for suitable test persons in order to increase the market maturity of new products and obtain qualified feedback on function and acceptance.

International matchmaking

International events for SMEs, public institutions and start-ups for exchange, inspiration and collaboration.

Financing support

Information and advice on current state, federal and EU funding programs as well as matchmaking events for potential project partners.

Matchmaking with

Extensive range of events to bring founders into contact with SMEs and public institutions.

Individuelle Beratung für SME

Individual advice

Information on the opportunities and uncertainties of digitalization and referral to suitable experts.

Establishment of a test pool

Support in the search for suitable test persons in order to increase the market maturity of new products and obtain qualified feedback on function and acceptance.

DInO news

The first event on May 15 will explore the question “Artificial intelligence: Am I digital enough for this?”. The Bavarian AI Agency will explain the various possible uses of AI in everyday processes.
On April 17, the Bavarian AI Agency is hosting a ChatGPT webinar for interested parties from the public sector. Florian Baader, CEO of SelectCode GmbH, makes AI tangible and shows practical examples. Participation: events@baiosphere.org.

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin für DInO bei der Bayerischen KI-Agentur

Sabine Cornils

Manager Business Relations

The DInO consortium

Funding information

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.