homenews ” vote on the ai act in the eu parliament – artificial intelligence under stricter control!

Vote on the AI Act in the EU Parliament - Artificial Intelligence under stricter control!

In a significant vote, the EU Parliament on Wednesday (June 14, 2023) further tightened up the AI Act, a law regulating artificial intelligence (AI). The new regulations are intended to help make the use of AI technologies in the European Union more responsible and ethical.

“The EU AI Act is an important step in the right direction of meaningful regulation of AI technology. However, the draft dates back to 2021, hence newer AI methods are insufficiently considered due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence,” says Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok, Chair of Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence at LMU.

AI security and data protection

Members of the EU Parliament in Strasbourg now voted on a number of amendments to further improve the draft. In the future, AI systems are to be evaluated according to the danger they pose and divided into different risk classes. One of the most important additions concerns the protection of privacy and personal data. The EU Parliament has made it clear that AI applications must comply with strict data protection standards. There will also be complete bans, such as facial recognition in public spaces. Furthermore, rules for manufacturers of AI technologies have been established to minimize risks. This measure is intended to create incentives for companies to develop safer and more reliable AI solutions.

The vote demonstrates the EU’s commitment to responsible use of AI technologies. The AI Act aims to ensure that AI systems in the EU are used in accordance with the fundamental rights and values of the European Union. The revised draft of the AI Act will now be further negotiated in trilogue with the EU Commission and the member states. The new rules are not expected to take effect until 2026 at the earliest.