20 May 2024







Network meeting



German AI Month mAI

Here we offer you an overview of AI events in May.

Munich AI Lectures

Internationally renowned scientists report on their current research.

Event reports

Bavaria represented its innovative AI scene with a 30-strong delegation at the RISE of AI conference. In his speech, Digital Minister Dr. Mehring emphasized the importance of transferring AI research into practice.
At the For..Net Symposium at the IHK in Munich, guests were given insights into the legal, technical and social challenges of generative AI. The For..Net lab also offered hands-on generative AI.
Prof. Marc Toussaint from TU Berlin shed light on the AI future of robotics in yesterday's Munich AI Lecture. He presented his research on Task and Motion Planning (TAMP), which defines robot behavior.
Ten research institutions in Munich have joined forces to bring leading AI researchers from around the world closer to a local audience. Last Monday, Jong Chul Ye gave a lecture on AI and imaging.
AI Council member Ute Schmid and other professors from the University of Bamberg provided insights into BaCAI research. The symposium focused on the successful integration of AI in the company.