homenews ” bavaria presents ki ecosystem at rise of ai in berlin

Bavaria presents AI ecosystem at RISE of AI in Berlin

© StMD

Bavaria’s AI excellence was a guest as a community partner at the RISE of AI conference in the capital this week. The delegation of 30 AI entrepreneurs, innovators and researchers from Bavaria, initiated by baiosphere, presented the strong Bavarian AI landscape.

Bavaria’s Minister of State for Digital Affairs, Dr. Fabian Mehring, led the high-calibre group and gave a keynote speech on the strengths and mission of AI “Made in Bavaria”. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of transferring cutting-edge AI research into applications and the need for significant investment. In addition to Mehring, Federal Digital Minister Volker Wissing and State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Prof. Sabine Döring also spoke at the Berlin conference, which brought together leading AI players from all over Germany.

baiosphere is continuously working on networking Bavaria, Germany and Europe in order to advance AI innovations. “We will only achieve sustainable success in the development and application of artificial intelligence in Bavaria, Germany and Europe if politicians create the best possible framework conditions worldwide,” says Dr. Michael Klimke, CEO of the Bavarian AI Agency. “At the same time, we want to inspire people to put their trust in this future technology and encourage companies to invest more in AI innovations.” The conference consolidated Bavaria’s position as a dynamic AI ecosystem on the national and European stage.