News from the baiosphere

Bavaria promotes women in digital professions: 60 BayFiD members explored the AI agency, the XR HUB and the AI factory this week and helped shape the future of baiosphere. A worthwhile insight into Bavaria's AI world.
On March 12, everything at the BAdW revolved around the topic of "Artificial intelligence in medicine: research, practice, prospects". Experts discussed the transformative power and ethical aspects of AI in medicine.
Ten research institutions in Munich have joined forces to bring leading AI researchers from around the world closer to a local audience. Last Monday, Jong Chul Ye gave a lecture on AI and imaging.
To mark International Women's Day, the Women in AI & Robotics association hosted a network meeting at DLR. Innovative project demonstrations and short specialist presentations provided insights into robotics research and trends.
Responsible AI solutions for social problems: The two projects "EduPin" and "AI Allies" from TUM and LMU take first place in the university competition organized by Initiative D21 and the Deloitte Foundation.
The decision-making logic of Large Language Models often seems highly complex. Explainable AI aims to shed light on the darkness and make it understandable. After all, when using AI technologies, regulations must also be observed.
The Sonate-2 nanosatellite has started its journey into space on board a SpaceX rocket. Its collected image data will be analyzed with the help of AI and should provide information about objects and phenomena in the solar system.
We congratulate AI Council member Prof. Albu-Schäffer, Institute Director at DLR, on his appointment as relAI Fellow. In addition to him, relAI welcomes four other Fellows whose research contributes to reliable AI.
AI Council member Ute Schmid and other professors from the University of Bamberg provided insights into BaCAI research. The symposium focused on the successful integration of AI in the company.
Professor Johannes Kinder emphasizes the need to protect home PCs from malware and security vulnerabilities. His team develops methods for software security and relies on AI. But where are the vulnerabilities?