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BayFiD goes baiosphere

Gruppenbild mit ca. 60 Frauen der BayFiD Gruppe vor dem Eingang der Bayerischen KI-Agentur im Deutschen Museum
Group picture with 60 BayFiD members in front of the entrance
Tamara Tomasevic und Katrin Kronschnabl begrüßen BayFiD und präsentieren die baiosphere
Tamara Tomasevic and Katrin Kronschnabl welcome BayFiD and present baiosphere

On Wednesday, we welcomed a group from BayFiD – Bavaria’s Women in Digital Professions to the offices of the KI Agency in Munich. We gave the participants the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of the Bavarian AI ecosystem.

Together with the XR HUB Bavaria and the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) at TUM, we introduced a group of 60 young women to AI innovation in Bavaria.

Tamara Tomasevic – herself a BayFiD member – led the baiosphere session and gave the women an overview of the AI agency’s activities. In a subsequent interactive workshop, the BayFiD talents took the opportunity to actively help shape the future of baiosphere, shared their individual needs and wishes with us and contributed valuable suggestions and ideas.

5 Frauen stehen in der KI-Fabrik und blicken interessiert, im Hintergrund sind Roboterarme zu sehen
The KI-Fabrik also opened its doors to BayFiD
Eine Teilnehmerin testet
VR experience in the XR HUB
4 Frauen blicken interessiert in Richtung einer technischen Installation, die sich verschwommen im Vordergrund erahnen lässt
The VR experiences were particularly exciting

The BayFiD program is aimed at young women between the ages of 18 and 30 and was launched by the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs to promote inclusion in Bavaria’s tech jobs. For one and a half years, members of the career network gain insights into digital professions and benefit from professional exchange with partners from business, science and politics as well as career opportunities.