News from the baiosphere

From weather forecasting to aerospace - Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is essential for precise decisions in complex systems. UQ improves the accuracy of forecasts and helps with risk assessment.
Robotics expert Sebastian Scherer emphasizes the importance of backup solutions for autonomous systems. Redundancy and machine learning are used to overcome challenges such as sensor failures and complex decisions.
Prof. Helge Stein from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is using machine learning, AI and robotics to accelerate research in the laboratory to develop new materials for catalysis and batteries.
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) presents Iris, a chatbot that offers students personalized learning assistance. Iris helps students solve exercises and supports them in preparing for exams.
Munich AI Lectures series: Rethinking how machines work - MIT professor Daniela Rus presents her research approach of "Liquid Neural Networks".
On Friday, the AI Act was officially published in the Journal of the EU. The EU is thus setting a clear framework for the regulation of AI within the European Union. Get an overview of the law!
The "action mapping" approach for safe reinforcement learning (RL) efficiently combines feasibility models without relying on large data sets or self-supervised learning. This could revolutionize autonomous systems.
A few lines of code with a big impact: Ao Chen's optimization accelerates the training of neural networks. This opens up new possibilities in quantum research, such as the study of quantum spin liquids.
The MCML has achieved impressive success in just two years. The first Munich AI Day reflected the center's strong international connections and offered exciting discussions and contributions on the future of AI.
Huge amounts of data are collected during European Championship matches. Data loggers, cameras and sensors in the ball provide raw data that is analyzed using AI. Sports computer scientist Prof. Link provides insights into the sports data sector.