News from the baiosphere

A new research approach led by Prof. Feuerriegel's team at LMU promises progress in medical AI. Causal ML could make individual treatments more precise and improve patient care.
Yesterday, the Fraunhofer IKS provided in-depth insights into its cutting-edge research into automation. Guests experienced advanced demonstrators such as digital twins and sensor applications for safe person recognition.
Helmholtz Munich and Pfizer launch a three-year collaboration to advance precision medicine. By combining Pfizer's data and Helmholtz's AI expertise, new targets are to be discovered more quickly.
A research team from TUM and the University of Hohenheim is attempting to unite biodiversity and agricultural production. AI in combination with human intuition should be the solution: Hybrid intelligence.
The Helmholtz Munich symposium was all about AI in health. From genomics and computer-aided pathology to electronic health records. International experts provided insights into the field.
Prof. Marc Toussaint from TU Berlin shed light on the AI future of robotics in yesterday's Munich AI Lecture. He presented his research on Task and Motion Planning (TAMP), which defines robot behavior.
Safe and trustworthy AI systems are more relevant than ever. Fraunhofer IKS has developed a verification tree that facilitates the process of AI verification. It provides users with customized checklists.
On April 17, the Bavarian AI Agency is hosting a ChatGPT webinar for interested parties from the public sector. Florian Baader, CEO of SelectCode GmbH, makes AI tangible and shows practical examples. Participation:
Europe's path into the digital era: Last week, members of the Bavarian State Government, the AI Agency and the AI Council met at the Bavarian Representation in Brussels to discuss data, AI and cloud technology.
The EU Commission is setting standards for the use of generative AI in science with new guidelines. They promote transparency, integrity and a uniform approach in Europe.