homenews ” highlights of the safe intelligence day at fraunhofer iks

Highlights of the Safe Intelligence Day at Fraunhofer IKS

Under the motto “Safe and intelligent production”, the Fraunhofer IKS yesterday provided an exclusive insight into its current research topics and services with a focus on automation. In his opening keynote, AI Council member and Institute Director Prof. Mario Trapp referred to the strong innovation ecosystem in Bavaria and the need for even stronger networking and collaboration. At the same time, he emphasized that the major challenge at the moment is to develop reliable and trustworthy AI systems.

The event was dedicated to questions such as: How can cognitive systems help in production? How can their potential be utilized in safety-critical environments?

Guests also had the opportunity to experience practical demonstrators, ask questions to the developers and discuss the latest trends. The audience was particularly impressed by the industrial sensor applications for safe person detection and quality control as well as the resilient automation systems for intelligent and human-centered production.