homenews ” bavaria sets the tone for european digital policy in brussels

Bavaria sets the tone for European digital policy in Brussels

Important discussions on the future of digitalization in Europe were held at the Bavarian Representation in Brussels last week. Under the direction of Thomas Hahn, Vice-Head of the Bavarian AI Council, top representatives from renowned companies gathered to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the AI Act with Tobias Gotthardt, Bavarian State Secretary for Economic Affairs.

The importance of clear direction and regulatory coherence to promote responsible innovation was at the heart of the discussions. In the midst of the complex regulatory landscape, the call for simplified guidelines was clearly heard. The aim is to ensure compliance and promote growth at the same time.

Gotthardt expanded on these discussions with a keynote speech at the network meeting of the IPCEI-CIS initiative. Twelve EU countries, including Germany, support the initiative, which positions itself as a catalyst for the development of Europe’s cloud infrastructure – a key element for sustainable innovation.

The initiative is supported by the Bavarian Digital Ministry and Ministry of Economic Affairs and marks a significant step towards a proactively managed digital future for Bavaria.