homenews ” panel discussion – sustainable food future

Panel discussion - SustAInable Food Future

How do we ensure that food is distributed fairly around the world and that AI is used fairly for everyone? These and other exciting questions were the focus of yesterday’s panel discussion on SustAInable Food Future at Google.

The dialogue organized by the Munich Innovation Ecosystem emphasized the urgent need for cooperation between science and business in order to end hunger in the world in the long term. Around 800 million people are currently affected.

Paneldiskussion bei Google zum Thema Nachhaltige Ernährungszukunft

The experts Marina Lommel, CEO of Foodpunk, Michael Complojer from Google and Bernhard Kowatsch from the UN World Food Program gave exciting insights into their current projects. AI is already being used in many areas to support small farmers in developing countries: Autonomously driving robots scan fields and check what is best to grow where. Satellite data is analyzed using AI to assess climate risks. AI can also be used to calculate individual calorie requirements or to optimize school meals in terms of cost and nutritional value.

The panel also came to the conclusion that the problem of food waste needs to be tackled more actively. Google has therefore set itself the goal of producing no more food waste by 2025.

The innovative solutions discussed at the event underline the role of technology in creating a sustainable and equitable future.