News from the baiosphere

Yann LeCun, one of the 100 most influential AI experts according to TIMES, spoke to 650 attendees in Munich about autonomous intelligent agents and explained promising developments in AI. The recording of the lecture is available.
Experts from science and business discussed the potential of AI in in mobility, public transport, and production on October 4th and 5th. With four tracks and multiple live demonstrations, visitors got to "look under the hood" of mobility research!
The Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI) celebrated its grand opening yesterday. The event in Garching offered a glimpse into the future of data science.
You want to know all about the Bavarian AI scene, its players and opportunities? Our team is ready to give you first-hand information on AI people, companies, research institutions, and support programs in Bavaria.
Artificial intelligence in music, journalism, and the regulation and democratization of AI were just some of the diverse topics at the DLD AI Summit at Amerikahaus in Munich.
The future of mobility: From safe autonomous vehicles with data protection functions to urban air mobility and the use of AI in traffic control - Ingolstadt presents itself as a modern mobility region.
Exclusive Talent Pipeline: Companies and founders benefit from world-class AI talents with the AI Career Kickstart Program.
Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis Thanks to AI: Researchers from Helmholtz Munich and TU Dresden utilize AI models for rapid prediction of biomarkers, accelerating treatment decisions, and enabling more precise therapeutic approaches.
AI systems like ChatGPT pass the Turing test but show human-like errors. Aldo Faisal on ways to distinguish AI-generated text from human-written text.
MIRMI researchers have developed the generalized Safe Motion Unit (gSMU) as a tool for "pre-collision control" of almost all types of robots. The new safety concept is based on a modular approach.