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Interdisciplinary data science - strong team across all career stages

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Yesterday, the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI) was officially opened. State Minister Markus Blume, TUM President Thomas Hofmann and MDSI Director Stefan Günnemann see enormous potential for AI research in the Munich area. The institute is also supported by three Bavarian AI Council members Alena Buyx, Wieland Holfelder and Fabian Theis – in different positions.

Von links: Günnemann, Hofmann und Markus Blume
Von links: Stefan Günnemann, Thomas Hofmann und Markus Blume

For the baiosphere, the newly founded institute, albeit one that has been active for three years, is a milestone. One of the first projects, for example, gave rise to the Konrad Zuse School of Excellence, relAI, which Minister of State Markus Blume was also recently able to congratulate on its foundation. With 66 professors under one roof, MDSI is called to play a critical role in shaping the future of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

The event also offered inspiring insights into the future of global AI research, innovation and collaboration. Scientific presentations by TUM Professor Daniel Cremers as well as global players from industry provided exciting impulses. In addition, five young scientific talents were honored with the MDSI Best Paper Award.

We wish the MDSI community and its partner organizations much success and all the best as they continue to shape the future of data science and artificial intelligence.