News from the baiosphere

How far along are we with AI development compared to other countries? For TUM Professor Stephan Günnemann, Germany has some catching up to do when it comes to transferring AI research into application, especially in the start-up sector.
At the Radiology AI Summit, experts from business, medicine and politics discussed the use of AI in healthcare. The focus was on better health outcomes. The success promises a sequel in London 2025!
With Digital Minister Dr. Mehring as patron and 1E9, the XR HUB Bavaria is launching the New Realities competition. XR is the interface for AI - AI projects from all sectors are also invited to apply by April 30.
Expert talk at the Impact Hub Munich: Tristan Post gives insights into the topic of AI and shows the attending staff and works councils of the ver.di trade union opportunities for employees. How is AI changing the world of work?
TUM and Google deepen partnership: Seven new research projects at TUM aim to use AI for cybersecurity. Topics range from moderating hate speech to analyzing data protection risks.
AI Council member Andrea Martin (IBM) has been appointed to the Science Council for three years by Federal President Steinmeier. As an AI expert, she will provide impulses for the ethical use of the technology and advise the government.
Rising passenger numbers pose a challenge for civil aviation. AI can help here. The KIEZ 4-0 project is developing methods for the certification of AI systems in avionics., Germany's largest AI student initiative, offers a 3-month mentoring program for its members to exchange experiences on AI and career topics. Apply now until March 3 and become a mentor!
Economist Veronika Grimm will become Professor of Energy Systems and Market Design at the University of Technology Nuremberg from March 1. Her appointment strengthens the interface between AI and economics.
The joint study by LMU, ETH Zurich, the University of St. Gallen and Inselspital Bern presents a novel machine learning model that can detect low blood sugar levels while driving.