News from the baiosphere

AI is revolutionizing research. But how can it remain trustworthy? Five new principles in the scientific journal PNAS are intended to ensure transparency and responsibility. Prof. Gasser from TUM also contributed to the code of conduct.
In a position paper, researchers discuss the opportunities and hurdles of using AI in medical research. They formulate political recommendations for action to facilitate access to data, among other things.
The baiosphere KI-Kompass (AI compass) - a holistic guide supports SMEs in tapping the potential of AI for their company - strategically, practically and legally compliant. This paves the way for the successful use of AI.
AI Council member Sami Haddadin presents his visionary idea of an “artificial immune system” for the Earth. In the TED Talk, he explains how advanced AI systems can be used to clean up and protect the environment.
GARMI masters increasingly complex tasks thanks to ChatGPT and digital twin. At the ICRA 2024 robotics trade fair, TUM researchers demonstrate how the care assistant grasps objects, navigates safely and communicates with patients.
The Humboldt Professorships are attracting international scientists to German universities. Germany's most highly endowed research award goes to Prof. Jegelka and Prof. Sra, who are strengthening TUM in the field of AI and machine learning.
A team from Helmholtz Munich has developed the MISATO dataset, which trains AI models for the production of new drugs. This innovation represents an important advance in the use of AI in pharmacy.
Researchers at the Universities of Marburg and Würzburg warn against the premature use of AI in connection with lie detectors due to a lack of transparency, susceptibility to errors and a lack of theoretical basis.
In the winter semester 24/25, AIBE at FAU is introducing a new international Bachelor's degree program: Artificial Intelligence. Applications are now open. There is no NC, but there is an aptitude assessment procedure.
The first event on May 15 will explore the question “Artificial intelligence: Am I digital enough for this?”. The Bavarian AI Agency will explain the various possible uses of AI in everyday processes.