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Computer vision and robotics in the ONE Munich Lecture Series with Prof. Cordelia Schmid

Another lecture in the ONE Munich series took place last Thursday. Körber Prize winner Cordelia Schmid from Inria and Google Research presented her Advances in Dense Video Subtitling, Visually Controlled Navigation and Robot Manipulation at the Technical University of Munich. The lecture was organized by the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence.

Prof. Dr. Cordelia Schmid beim Vortrag der ONE Munich Lecture
Prof. Dr. Cordelia Schmid at the ONE Munich Lecture

About Prof. Cordelia Schmid

Cordelia Schmid has made significant contributions in the field of computer-aided image processing, pattern and action recognition. She has been Director of Research at the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria) in Grenoble, France, since 2004. Schmid is currently researching systems that can interpret videos semantically and predict future actions. Their aim is to develop robots that respond to voice commands and can be used as intelligent assistants in various areas, such as hospitals or care for the elderly. In 2023, she received the Körber Prize for European Science, worth one million euros, for her achievements in this field.

The most important findings of the lecture

Cordelia Schmid shared valuable insights into groundbreaking models such as Vid2Seq, developed for dense video captioning, and a retrieval-based visual language model that answers questions about images. These innovations enable interactive communication with videos and make it easier to retrieve crucial information quickly.

A History Aware Multimodal Transformer was also presented, demonstrating impressive real-world applications in the visually controlled navigation and movement of robots. This enables robots to quickly remember their environment and their tasks, which significantly improves their performance in recurring tasks with little prior knowledge.

The ONE Munich Lecture Series event stood out with its open atmosphere and brought together a diverse mix of experienced experts and up-and-coming talent. Questions and discussions delved into current advances in computer vision, robotics and artificial intelligence.

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Audience listens spellbound

The ONE Munich Lecture Series is a lecture series in the field of robotics and AI that promotes professional exchange between scientists and students from different institutions. It is regularly supported and organized jointly by ONE Munich, LMU, TUM, Helmholtz Munich, the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments, Hightech Agenda Bayern, the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and baiosphere. Find out about current events in our event calendar.