homenews ” bavarian funding initiative: innovations in data science and ki wanted!

Bavarian funding initiative: Innovations in Data Science and AI wanted!

The Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy supports innovative projects in the field of artificial intelligence and data science as part of the Bavarian Collaborative Research Program. The aim of the initiative is to drive forward the digitization of processes, products and business models in Bavarian companies and to support the mastering of future societal challenges.

Representation of transdisciplinary AI

The focus is on the following three key topics:

  • Generative AI
  • Trustworthy AI
  • Data-centric AI and data efficiency

Companies and research institutions are invited to submit project proposals by Feb. 29, 2024 , to benefit from this funding opportunity. Click here to go to the sketch submission portal.

More information on the funding call and submission procedures will be available in a webinar on Jan. 11, 2024. Details on how to register and participate in the webinar can be found here.