Leichte Sprache

Week of Feb 12th

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12 Februar 2024(1 Veranstaltung)

Welcome to THE POOL

29.01.-23.02.24, 09:00 Uhr

Munich • Digital Product School and AI+Munich
What if you could join a pool of 30 ambitious, interdisciplinary talents to form a team, build an AI-based MVP, and pitch to VCs? What if all your fellow talents were alumni of some of the best entrepreneurship programs with real experience in startup methods and tools? Welcome to THE POOL!

This winter, you can be part of a group of hand-selected, like-minded, and highly motivated individuals to ideate, validate, prototype, iterate, and build your AI startup. Develop solutions using the latest applications such as Artificial Intelligence and have a positive impact on the future.

We bring people together to make things happen.

We accept the best talents on a rolling basis and let you know asap if/when you are accepted. Places are highly limited.

13 Februar 2024(3 Veranstaltungen)

Welcome to THE POOL

29.01.-23.02.24, 09:00 Uhr

Munich • Digital Product School and AI+Munich
What if you could join a pool of 30 ambitious, interdisciplinary talents to form a team, build an AI-based MVP, and pitch to VCs? What if all your fellow talents were alumni of some of the best entrepreneurship programs with real experience in startup methods and tools? Welcome to THE POOL!

This winter, you can be part of a group of hand-selected, like-minded, and highly motivated individuals to ideate, validate, prototype, iterate, and build your AI startup. Develop solutions using the latest applications such as Artificial Intelligence and have a positive impact on the future.

We bring people together to make things happen.

We accept the best talents on a rolling basis and let you know asap if/when you are accepted. Places are highly limited.

DIGHUM-Lectures - Can we have pro-human AI?

13.02.24, 18:00 Uhr

Online • DIGHUM, bidt
This talk argues that advances in generative AI are compatible with a pro-human direction of future technology. This means, in particular, production technologies that increase the contribution of workers to productivity, and communication technologies that boost human agency and democratic participation. However, we are currently on a path leading in the opposite direction—anti-worker production technologies and anti-democratic communication technologies. This is both because of distorted incentives and priorities within the tech industry and also because of some of the architectural features of leading generative AI models. The talk concludes with some policy suggestions to help engineer a course correction towards pro-human AI.


13.02.24, 14:00 Uhr

Online • Netzwerk INDIGO
In dieser einführenden Veranstaltung erhalten die Teilnehmer einen Überblick über das Gebiet des Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP, welches an der Schnittstelle von Informatik und Linguistik angesiedelt ist, ermöglicht es Maschinen, menschliche Sprache zu „verstehen“ und zu interpretieren. Dies bildet die Grundlage für eine Vielzahl moderner Anwendungen, reichend von Textanalyse über maschinelles Übersetzen bis hin zu ChatGPT. Die Veranstaltung beginnt mit einer Erläuterung der Definition und der Ziele des NLP, woraufhin eine Diskussion über grundlegende Konzepte wie Tokenisierung, Stemming und Part-of-Speech-Tagging folgt. Anschließend werden die Teilnehmer in klassische sowie aktuelle Methoden der Textrepräsentation und des Feature Engineerings eingeführt, einschließlich Techniken wie Bag of Words und Word Embeddings. Im weiteren Verlauf der Veranstaltung werden grundlegende NLP-Modelle und Algorithmen vorgestellt, darunter Parsing und einfache Machine Learning Methoden. Darüber hinaus wird der Vortrag die Teilnehmer in die Welt des Deep Learning einführen, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf den Ideen hinter den Transformer-Modellen für BERT und GPT. Zum Abschluss wird eine Diskussion über aktuelle Herausforderungen und zukünftige Richtungen im NLP geführt.
14 Februar 2024(1 Veranstaltung)

Welcome to THE POOL

29.01.-23.02.24, 09:00 Uhr

Munich • Digital Product School and AI+Munich
What if you could join a pool of 30 ambitious, interdisciplinary talents to form a team, build an AI-based MVP, and pitch to VCs? What if all your fellow talents were alumni of some of the best entrepreneurship programs with real experience in startup methods and tools? Welcome to THE POOL!

This winter, you can be part of a group of hand-selected, like-minded, and highly motivated individuals to ideate, validate, prototype, iterate, and build your AI startup. Develop solutions using the latest applications such as Artificial Intelligence and have a positive impact on the future.

We bring people together to make things happen.

We accept the best talents on a rolling basis and let you know asap if/when you are accepted. Places are highly limited.

15 Februar 2024(1 Veranstaltung)

Welcome to THE POOL

29.01.-23.02.24, 09:00 Uhr

Munich • Digital Product School and AI+Munich
What if you could join a pool of 30 ambitious, interdisciplinary talents to form a team, build an AI-based MVP, and pitch to VCs? What if all your fellow talents were alumni of some of the best entrepreneurship programs with real experience in startup methods and tools? Welcome to THE POOL!

This winter, you can be part of a group of hand-selected, like-minded, and highly motivated individuals to ideate, validate, prototype, iterate, and build your AI startup. Develop solutions using the latest applications such as Artificial Intelligence and have a positive impact on the future.

We bring people together to make things happen.

We accept the best talents on a rolling basis and let you know asap if/when you are accepted. Places are highly limited.

16 Februar 2024(1 Veranstaltung)

Welcome to THE POOL

29.01.-23.02.24, 09:00 Uhr

Munich • Digital Product School and AI+Munich
What if you could join a pool of 30 ambitious, interdisciplinary talents to form a team, build an AI-based MVP, and pitch to VCs? What if all your fellow talents were alumni of some of the best entrepreneurship programs with real experience in startup methods and tools? Welcome to THE POOL!

This winter, you can be part of a group of hand-selected, like-minded, and highly motivated individuals to ideate, validate, prototype, iterate, and build your AI startup. Develop solutions using the latest applications such as Artificial Intelligence and have a positive impact on the future.

We bring people together to make things happen.

We accept the best talents on a rolling basis and let you know asap if/when you are accepted. Places are highly limited.

17 Februar 2024(1 Veranstaltung)

Welcome to THE POOL

29.01.-23.02.24, 09:00 Uhr

Munich • Digital Product School and AI+Munich
What if you could join a pool of 30 ambitious, interdisciplinary talents to form a team, build an AI-based MVP, and pitch to VCs? What if all your fellow talents were alumni of some of the best entrepreneurship programs with real experience in startup methods and tools? Welcome to THE POOL!

This winter, you can be part of a group of hand-selected, like-minded, and highly motivated individuals to ideate, validate, prototype, iterate, and build your AI startup. Develop solutions using the latest applications such as Artificial Intelligence and have a positive impact on the future.

We bring people together to make things happen.

We accept the best talents on a rolling basis and let you know asap if/when you are accepted. Places are highly limited.

18 Februar 2024(1 Veranstaltung)

Welcome to THE POOL

29.01.-23.02.24, 09:00 Uhr

Munich • Digital Product School and AI+Munich
What if you could join a pool of 30 ambitious, interdisciplinary talents to form a team, build an AI-based MVP, and pitch to VCs? What if all your fellow talents were alumni of some of the best entrepreneurship programs with real experience in startup methods and tools? Welcome to THE POOL!

This winter, you can be part of a group of hand-selected, like-minded, and highly motivated individuals to ideate, validate, prototype, iterate, and build your AI startup. Develop solutions using the latest applications such as Artificial Intelligence and have a positive impact on the future.

We bring people together to make things happen.

We accept the best talents on a rolling basis and let you know asap if/when you are accepted. Places are highly limited.









Munich AI Lectures

International renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler berichten über ihre aktuelle Forschung.

Fortschritt und Innovation für die Zukunft Ostbayerns: Das EU geförderte DInO-Projekt soll die digitale Transformation vorantreiben und den Wirtschaftsstandort stärken. Wir, gemeinsam, digital.
Am 5. Oktober ging die erste Bavarian Artificial Intelligence Conference Ingolstadt zu Ende. An zwei Tagen wurden Vorträge und Workshops rund um das Thema KI angeboten. baiosphere arbeitet als Hauptpartner eng mit dem Veranstalter AImotion Bayern zusammen.
Yann LeCun, einer der 100 einflussreichsten KI-Experten laut TIMES, sprach vor 650 Teilnehmern in München über autonome intelligente Agenten und erklärte vielversprechende Entwicklungen der KI. Die Aufzeichnung des Vortrags ist verfügbar.
Experten aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft diskutierten am 4. und 5. Oktober über das Potenzial von KI in Mobilität, ÖPNV und Produktion. In vier Tracks und vielseitigen Live-Demons konnten Besucher der Mobilitätsforschung "unter die Motorhaube" schauen!
You want to know all about the Bavarian AI scene, its players and opportunities? Our team is ready to give you first-hand information on AI people, companies, research institutions, and support programs in Bavaria.