2nd DAAD Zuse Schools Meeting

2nd DAAD Zuse Schools Meeting

2nd DAAD Zuse Schools Meeting

29 Okt
Öffentliche Veranstaltung
Registrierungen sind geschlossen
Öffentliche Veranstaltung

We are happy to announce that on October 29th, the three DAAD Zuse Schools of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, ELIZA (Darmstadt), SECAI (Dresden) und relAI (Munich), will celebrate the second joint Meeting in Munich.

The event, co-organized by DAAD and relAI, will be honoured with the presence of representatives from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts (StMWK), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), TUM and LMU presidents, and DAAD, who will introduce the meeting with opening speeches. The program will be followed by talks from research f

2nd DAAD Zuse Schools Meeting

29 Okt
Öffentliche Veranstaltung
Registrierungen sind geschlossen

Datum und Uhrzeit
Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2024
10:00 17:00 (Europe/Berlin) Zum Kalender hinzufügen


Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI)

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
--Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI)--


Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI)

--Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI)--

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