GNI Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World
10 September 2024 – 12 September 2024
10.09.24, 09:00 Uhr
Join us at the unique Georg Nemetschek Institute Symposium and Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the built world. Connect with academic researchers, industry leaders and emerging start-ups at the high-tech TUM Campus in Garching.
The Georg Nemetschek Institute at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and TUM Venture Labs Built Environment are organizing a unique symposium.
This meeting is where academic researchers will meet on an equal platform with industry experts from small and large companies, including start-ups, to discuss opportunities and risks in a growing field, AI for the built world.
Day 1: Research Focus Understand AI: Opportunities & Risks
Day 2: Research + Industry Focus Envision AI: Opportunities & Risks
Day 3: Industry & Start-Up Focus Experience AI: Applications & User Cases