12 September 2024

GNI Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World

GNI Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World

10 September 2024 12 September 2024

10.09.24, 09:00 Uhr

Garching • TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute

Join us at the unique Georg Nemetschek Institute Symposium and Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the built world. Connect with academic researchers, industry leaders and emerging start-ups at the high-tech TUM Campus in Garching.

The Georg Nemetschek Institute at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and TUM Venture Labs Built Environment are organizing a unique symposium.

This meeting is where academic researchers will meet on an equal platform with industry experts from small and large companies, including start-ups, to discuss opportunities and risks in a growing field, AI for the built world.

Day 1: Research Focus Understand AI: Opportunities & Risks
Day 2: Research + Industry Focus Envision AI: Opportunities & Risks
Day 3: Industry & Start-Up Focus Experience AI: Applications & User Cases

GNI Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World

GNI Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World

10 September 2024 12 September 2024

10.09.24, 09:00 Uhr

Garching • TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute

Join us at the unique Georg Nemetschek Institute Symposium and Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the built world. Connect with academic researchers, industry leaders and emerging start-ups at the high-tech TUM Campus in Garching.

The Georg Nemetschek Institute at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and TUM Venture Labs Built Environment are organizing a unique symposium.

This meeting is where academic researchers will meet on an equal platform with industry experts from small and large companies, including start-ups, to discuss opportunities and risks in a growing field, AI for the built world.

Day 1: Research Focus Understand AI: Opportunities & Risks
Day 2: Research + Industry Focus Envision AI: Opportunities & Risks
Day 3: Industry & Start-Up Focus Experience AI: Applications & User Cases

GNI Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World

GNI Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World

10 September 2024 12 September 2024

10.09.24, 09:00 Uhr

Garching • TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute

Join us at the unique Georg Nemetschek Institute Symposium and Expo on Artificial Intelligence in the built world. Connect with academic researchers, industry leaders and emerging start-ups at the high-tech TUM Campus in Garching.

The Georg Nemetschek Institute at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and TUM Venture Labs Built Environment are organizing a unique symposium.

This meeting is where academic researchers will meet on an equal platform with industry experts from small and large companies, including start-ups, to discuss opportunities and risks in a growing field, AI for the built world.

Day 1: Research Focus Understand AI: Opportunities & Risks
Day 2: Research + Industry Focus Envision AI: Opportunities & Risks
Day 3: Industry & Start-Up Focus Experience AI: Applications & User Cases

AI E-Lab 3.0 Online Info Session

AI E-Lab 3.0 Online Info Session

12 September 2024

12.09.24, 19:30 Uhr

Online • AI E-Lab by TUM.ai
Join us at the AI E-Lab online info session to learn more about the program and best practices for your application.

- ​​Introduction to the AI Entrepreneurship Lab
- ​​The AI E-Lab Experience from a former participant
- ​​Tips for a successful application
- ​​Q&A Session

​​We have built an intense 14-week journey focused on your idea and progress. With personalized mentoring and coaching, the program structure will help you to ideate and iterate at lightspeed, launch an MVP with a clear go-to-market strategy to acquire initial customers and develop a roadmap for expanding and solidifying your offerings.

The applications for the AI Entrepreneurship LAB are now open!

KI-Stammtisch: Generative KI vs. Computer Vision

KI-Stammtisch: Generative KI vs. Computer Vision

12 September 2024

12.09.24, 17:00 Uhr

Ansbach • Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Franken
Der KI-Stammtisch bietet Euch wie immer die Möglichkeit, Euch mit anderen KI-Interessierten zu vernetzen und gleichzeitig faszinierende neue Impulse im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz aus Franken kennenzulernen. Diesmal veranstalten wir den KI-Stammtisch wieder in Ansbach am Retticampus.

Es erwarten euch spannende Impulsvorträge von Expert:innen zu den Themen KI und Nachhaltigkeit, sowohl aus Sicht der Wissenschaft als auch aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht.

Fragen stellen, mit diskutieren und Netzwerken ist ausdrücklich erlaubt und erwünscht. Tauscht euch im Nachgang mit unseren Expert:innen aus, knüpft Kontakte mit Gleichgesinnten und erweitert eurer Netzwerk bei Getränken und Snacks.Wir freuen uns darauf, euch zu einem Abend voller Inspirationen, Dialog und Vernetzung einzuladen. Entdeckt mit uns, wie KI die Zukunft der Nachhaltigkeit beeinflussen und formen kann.

The Ethics of Generative AI & Conversational Agents

The Ethics of Generative AI & Conversational Agents

12 September 2024 13 September 2024


Munich • LMU, MCML
The release of ChatGPT and DALL-E marked the beginning of the widespread use of generative AI. This technology, allowing us to create content such as text or images within seconds, now supports us with a range of tasks: from writing emails to brainstorming gift ideas, or creating art. It can support academics with writing papers, parents with entertaining their children, and it might even be used in psychiatric contexts to provide mental health advice. We also increasingly interact with conversational generative AI in communicating with virtual assistants or chatbots used in customer service.

The increasing reliance on and interaction with conversational agents and generative AI raises a host of ethical issues. In which areas, and to what extent, is it reasonable for us to rely on content provided by AI? Where does our reliance involve too great dangers? Moreover, who deserves the credit for the content created by AIs? And who should be blamed, if the created content is harmful or false?

What are some of the dangers of our increasing interaction with conversational AIs? Can we, in the first place, be truly said to interact with them? If we can’t, then what are some of the potential risks of our believing that we can interact with AIs?

This conference explores these, and other ethical issues posed by generative artificial intelligence and conversational agents. It brings together academic researchers and AI ethics practitioners to examine the ethics of generative AI in general, as well as studying the specific challenges this new technology poses in industrial settings.

The Ethics of Generative AI & Conversational Agents

The Ethics of Generative AI & Conversational Agents

12 September 2024 13 September 2024


Munich • LMU, MCML
The release of ChatGPT and DALL-E marked the beginning of the widespread use of generative AI. This technology, allowing us to create content such as text or images within seconds, now supports us with a range of tasks: from writing emails to brainstorming gift ideas, or creating art. It can support academics with writing papers, parents with entertaining their children, and it might even be used in psychiatric contexts to provide mental health advice. We also increasingly interact with conversational generative AI in communicating with virtual assistants or chatbots used in customer service.

The increasing reliance on and interaction with conversational agents and generative AI raises a host of ethical issues. In which areas, and to what extent, is it reasonable for us to rely on content provided by AI? Where does our reliance involve too great dangers? Moreover, who deserves the credit for the content created by AIs? And who should be blamed, if the created content is harmful or false?

What are some of the dangers of our increasing interaction with conversational AIs? Can we, in the first place, be truly said to interact with them? If we can’t, then what are some of the potential risks of our believing that we can interact with AIs?

This conference explores these, and other ethical issues posed by generative artificial intelligence and conversational agents. It brings together academic researchers and AI ethics practitioners to examine the ethics of generative AI in general, as well as studying the specific challenges this new technology poses in industrial settings.









Munich AI Lectures

International renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler berichten über ihre aktuelle Forschung.

Am 28. November gibt Bayerns Wirtschaftsminister Hubert Aiwanger den Startschuss für die neue Unterstützungsplattform für den Mittelstand. Erfahren Sie mehr zum Thema KI und nutzen Sie die Technologie für Ihr Unternehmen!
Robotik-Experte Sebastian Scherer betont die Bedeutung von Backup-Lösungen für autonome Systeme. Durch Redundanz und maschinelles Lernen werden Herausforderungen wie Sensorausfälle und komplexe Entscheidungen gemeistert.
Gestern hielt der renommierte Computer-Vision-Forscher von der UC Berkeley Alexei Efros im Plenarsaal der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften eine Munich AI Lecture zum Thema „We are (still!) not giving data enough credit“.
Munich AI Lectures Serie: Neu denken, wie Maschinen arbeiten – MIT-Professorin Daniela Rus stellt ihren Forschungsansatz der „Liquid Neural Networks“ vor.
Im Rahmen der Munich AI Lectures sprach Ludovic Righetti, Professor der NYU, über die Integration von Model-Predictive Control (MPC) und Reinforcement Learning (RL) in der Robotik.